Lego Brick Card Stand


while looking for card stands, i saw a muji-lego collaboration involving a special muji hole puncher and lego bricks, used to make little toy paper characters.


you can make the same type of card stand with any 5mm hole puncher - in my case i am using an "Eyelet Punch PU-101" - a standard eyelet/hole puncher used mostly with rivets (bought a long time ago from Popular). i tested out a homemade version with some of dominic's lego bricks. it works just as expected, but i may or may not use this method of a cardstand for the "psychogeographical game" in the end...

the bricks are incidentally "Red & White & WOW!" yesterday i watched the National Day Parade while sketching the canvas. as i was standing in the sketch area which represented the bay, NDP telecast showed a panoramic shot of the fireworks lighting up the entire bay area.


also in the process of hunting for stray lego bricks, i realised we had given away all my lego but i did find my TOMY toy parts instead. here is an instant tableaux from the box of NATIVE AMERICAN CHEMICAL DISASTER PLAYSET:

TOMY Native American Emergency Medical Team

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