Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Map Scale
Some people have asked me really good questions while I've been in the gallery setting up. Effendy asked me: "What is the scale of your map?"
After some calculation with the rulers on Google Maps, I have confirmed that the approximate scale for my 3.75metre long map is about 1:1000. (In case you are wondering how I managed to fit a 4.1km river in a representation of a 3.75km stretch, it is simply because the river is CURVY)
The ruler/line function is not automatically switched on in Google Maps, you'll have to click on the green beaker icon on the top right corner to see this feature!
Meanswhile, I must admit that it has been a steep learning curve to use Flash Builder and AS3. Somehow I just could not get a certain offending child object to pass variables to the main document class, even after flagrantly abusing public variables. In the wee hours of this morning, I finally solved the problem, but resultantly it has all become SPAGHETTI CODE. WITH MEATBALLS ON TOP. But it doesn't matter, as long as it works tomorrow...
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